Interests include:
Persona 3 | Pokemon | Nintendo | Zelda | Banjo Kazooie | Gamecube | N64 | Mario | Blasto | FF7 | FF10 | Tetris | Space Channel 5 | Jet Set Radio | Nights | Super Monkey Ball | Crazy Taxi | Metroid | Animal crossing | Punch Out | Mortal Combat | Tekken | Persona 2 | Sega | Skull Girls

I'm a triple splitroject. I know crazy right! Don't worry, I don't mind if people kin me.

Makoto Yuki (P3) | Red (PKMN) | Link (LOZ)

I feel like I should mention I really love my husband Yoshi! He's very imporant to me, and I love her more then anything. I'll try not to get too sappy, on main, but it really is my whole world. I love him! Can't belive I'm married to the actual Ryoji, crazy how that works. Anyways, if you see us kissing, mind your own bussiness, we are in love.